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Lab 4: Spatial Statistics for Public Health

The goal of this exercise is to learn about spatial statistics that are particularly relevant for public health.   You will use three new software packages including GeoDa, GWR4, and SaTScan as well as ArcGIS to make maps. They are all freeware so you can download them and load them on your computer. 

Part 1: Spatial Lag Regression in GeoDa

In this exercise you will use GeoDa to create a spatial lag regression model for spatially autocorrelated data.  The newest version of the software is called OpenGeoDa and there are tutorials and help files here- First read pages 45-54 in the software release notes.  You will use the GeoDa workbook. Read Chapter 24.  You might also need to use the manuals which consist of the software release notes, the Users Guide, and the section on spatial regression in a paper on GeoDa by Luc Anselin.  Use data as shown in Chapter 24 of the workbook and go through the exercise.  Then once you have practiced using the example in the workbook, build a different model.  You can use another dataset of your own or use one from the online GeoDa collection of datasets.  Or you can use the South.shp file and use HR60 as the dependent variable and DV60, UE60, RD60, MA60 as independent variables.  That means you would drop the variable called PS60 from the book example.  With your dataset first run the Classic OLS model first with the 2nd order rook's weights matrix.  Print the output by cutting and pasting into a Word document.  What is the R-squared value? Is the Robust LM (lag) significant?  What is the prob-value?  Is the Robust LM (error) significant?  What is the prob-value?  Then run it again using the lag model?  Print the output and then run the diagnostics.  Is the fit better for the lag or classic model? Explain your answer in a paragraph or two.

Part 2: Geographically Weighted Regression in ArcGIS

In this exercise you will use the GWR tools in ArcGIS to explore spatially varying relationships. A brief introduction to the method is available here- Click on to learn about GWR in ArcGIS.  Read Geographically Weighted Regression: A White Paper.  Then read the document entitled "Geographically Weighted Regression Concept" which is available on the Sakai site.  Then on the course Sakai Site go to the Exercises Folder under Resources.  There is a folder called PovertyGWR which has one file, a word document which is the exercise. Download the file and do the exercise. Then type out all of the answers to questions as well as the question asked under the Submit Your Work section.

Alternatively do the ESRI Virtual campus Web Course called Regression Analysis Using ArcGIS.  It is at:  You will need to get a code from Amanda Henley if you do this course.  

Part 3: Cluster Analysis in SaTScan

In this exercise you will use the SaTScan software to identify spatial clusters of health events. First read pages 30-49 and pages 69-81 of the SaTScan manual.  You can also read the paper by Emch and Ali (2003) that is available on Blackboard for this class to get a conceptual understanding of the method.  Do a cluster analysis for one of the following two datasets: (1) Brain Cancer Incidence in New Mexico or (2) Lung Cancer Incidence in New Mexico. For brain cancer you will analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of brain cancer in New Mexico from 1973-1991 by age, race and/or sex.  For lung cancer you will analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of lung cancer incidence in New Mexico from 1973 to 1991 by age, race and sex. Explain the parameters you used to create the model.  Print out the model results and describe them in a paragraph or two.  Are there any clusters?  Explain the attributes of the clusters.

Lab Deliverable Summary: Print out all of the outputs, put your name on them, and give them to the instructor. They include: Part 1: GeoDa output including OLS diagnostics and Lag Model results, a paragraph that explains the model results and answers the questions specified in Part 1; Part 2: answers to questions if you do the Poverty GWR lab OR three maps from the exercise of your choosing and a paragraph explaining what you did in the ESRI Virtual campus Web Course; Part 3: model results printout and a paragraph describing the parameters you used to create the model and interpretation of the results.